The downhill run to St. Lucia on Aqualuna

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Tue 4 Dec 2007 13:39
Frustrating had to use the engine for 2.45 hours during the night as the
wind has died and large rain squalls coming through every now and again. We
were warned by the weather forcast that this might happen. Just hope the
compeitive yachts close beihind find the same hole, but really that is not a very ARC thing to wish as it's not supposed to be competitive even if there is a cup at the end of it. Very warm and muggy. We
heard one ship over the VHF but could not see it on the radar or by sight.
Did a lot of hand washing yeserday and cleaning up as well as cooking up
vegetables that may not last much longer. Not sure how the washing machine
would cope with large movement at sea, so won't risk it. No more fish caught
yet. Attached are 'photos of J up the mast mid Atlantic, the Aqualuna team
and one of the waves we were surfing down.
Love from the Aqualuniesx