40:25.4N 02:03.9E

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Mon 20 Jul 2015 19:45
As I said in the last blog, we are anchored here in a little bay off a small fishing harbour and some holiday homes. Just a short distance away is a power station. Maybe I was a little unfair saying that it is industrial, it is much greener than the Med’ area, with green fields, corn and some olive groves as well as cement factories etc. A local came passed in his boat and said ‘Welcome!’ which was lovely, it would be good if we did that to all our foreign tourists in the UK…..
Buzzed by a few mossies this evening whilst eating up on deck first we have come across so far.
Did I say that we have been told by some of the Discovery guys that the best way of getting grease stains off the teak decking is by spraying with a little K2R dry cleaning spray, it works!
Non slip trays are good as well you can find them on the internet with non slip undersides as well as non slip top sides.
Insect protectors for covering dishes and fruit bowls, so quite a few of those are needed.