18.39S; 173.59W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Mon 28 Jun 2010 09:31
THE KINGDOM OF TONGA 28the June, 2010
Our computer onboard crashed whilst at sea so my blog on Nuie was not done.  We had a fantastic two days there but two days was long enough, as it is a very, very quiet island.  It has many deserted houses as the young ones go off to NZ to find work.  The island is a coral rock built on three layers of coral as it rose out of the sea, the inner section is flatter and forested but was once a lagoon before it rose up.  There are no streams the rain runs off straight into the sea which is crystal clear.  It is on the main migration route for Humpback Whales, the migration was just starting as we arrived, and there was a Mother and Calf in the bay where we were anchored.  There were also lots and lots of sea snakes, but they don't hurt you unless you hurt them and then their fangs (which are highly poisonous) are at the back of their mouths so would only get you if you pointed a finger at them.  A friend who was watching me snorkel said there was one swimming very near me but didn't want to put me in complete panic!! so said nothing until I got out.  The cavins, caves and crevises along the coast of Nuie are amazing and fun to explore and of course they make great swimming pools.  Photos will be following, as soon as I can get on to wifii which I hope will be tomorrow. The Nuie internet system blocked sending any photos on wifi, it just could not cope.
We had a lovely sail to Tonga starting at 5am yesterday and arriving at 5pm today.  Now on a mooring in a very sheltered harbour and not allowed off until we have gone through customs and immigration tomorrow.  Lots of  BWR parties organised to welcome us here whilst we cruise these islands for a week.