18 23.2N 064 42.2W

Around the world with the Aqualunies
Jonathan & Gabrielle Lyne
Sat 16 Mar 2019 05:05

Motored around to Sopers Hole to check out of the BVIs.  Lunch ashore.  Still rebuilding, Much of it still wrecked by Hurricane Irma.  
Sailed to Cruz Bay in the USA VIs and anchored off, not the best anchorage but the harbour was too shallow. Immigration closed at 5.30 rather 6p.m as advertised so we both had to go back the following morning to be fingerprinted etc.
Looked around Cruz Bay town but not a lot there and very scruffy.
Upped anchor in the afternoon and picked up a buoy just around the corner in Carnel bay. Paddle boarded to the beach.  Lovely setting.
In the afternoon we sailed to Charlotte Amelie.  Dropped anchor in the bay.  Dinner ashore at the ‘French Bistro’ having found the highly recommended restaurant Oceana not open as wrecked. Dinner at the French Bistro was delicious.
15hth March, ashore to look around.  Lovely old town built by the Danish.  Walked up the ’99 Steps’ except they were 102 to Blackbeard’s Castle past some beautiful old houses.  Looked around the shops. Lots of jewellery shops which Jonathan would not allow me to look around!!  

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