Killam Brothers Marina - Yarmouth NS (Day 2 Road Trip - Lunenburg)

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Fri 20 Jul 2018 17:26
An early morning run through the back trails, breakfast and then to explore the town's preparations for "Founders" weekend - celebrating their English heritage - Union Jack flags and painted signs (even the roadway) abound and a Wright's Avenue - we felt quite at home!
The town was founded in 1783 by United Empire Loyalists and Black Loyalists seeking refuge after the American revolution. But promises of land and work were not fulfilled and as the early settlers were not pioneers were unable to establish a lasting community. Freed slaves and others of African descent left for Africa (Sierra Leone). Eventually the Scots and Irish travelled to Nova Scotia and re-established the town. Buildings of coopers and ship-builders with associated wood mills have been preserved. Many of the great sailing ships were built in Shelburne as the town thrived with merchant trading.
Onward to Liverpool (we couldn't miss put this town - gets everywhere), even the Mersey river flows through the small town centre!! European settlers replaced the indigenous First nation Mi'Kmaqs in the mid-1750s when the New Englanders settlers turned to fishing. Twists and turns in the fortunes of the town during the American Revolution pivoted around violent doings of privateers (legalized pirates)!
The scenic coastal (Lighthouse route) took us past the "Crescent Beach" - once featured on the Canadian 50 dollar note. Next town - Lunenburg, a popular tourist town and home of yet more ship-builders - having built the famous "Bluenose" schooner in 1921 (the ship's name originating from the nick-name for Nova Scotians - and now featured on every car plate) as an exceptional fast fishing vessel - winning many of the informal Fishermans Trophy races. Also, the Dory - a robust small rowing boat used by many early fishermen. There is also the Ironworks working distillery with plenty of spirits to sample!
A lucky last room available in Pelham House B&B secured our stay for the evening and a delightful meal in the "Beach Pea".
Phil and Di