Day 8 - Cape May NJ - Beverly MA

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Thu 7 Jun 2018 17:59
41:07.8N 72:18.6W

An easy slip off the mooring bouy and away . that is after another wait for the Grand Republic (again) to enter the harbour before we could leave and thence back into the Sound to continue heading east floating atop a mirror like water surface in zero wind.

By mid-day a light breeze settles in, a chance to set the main but continuing to motor. To pass the time, (on Di's watch) - a BBC Radio 4 podcast "The Food Programme" played over the Bose system - but the topic of edible insects including maggot infested cheese ("Kazumati") - probably not the ebst topic for any sea-sickness feeling on the water!!

Admiring the houses on Rocky Point, at last the light house on the eastern tip of Orient Point comes in to view. Avoiding yet more ferries transiting Plum Gut we slip through amongst the riptide eddies of the "Gut". Sailing into Orient Harbour waters, north of Shelter Point, anchor dropped and settled for the night. BBQ lit just as the sun ducks below the trees of Truman Beach.

Phil and Di

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