Day 12 - Bahamas Cruising (Nassau - Bay Street Marina)

Early morning sunrise, anchors to haul, one more gaze at the "ripples in the sand" beneath the boat and we were underway again. Light south-easterly winds kept us motor-sailing at first - making fresh water along the way (240 litres / 60 gallons in 3 hrs to top off the tanks for the next few days) as we edged slowly towards Nassau on glass like seas. Later in the day - a pleasant 10-12 knot breeze helped us sail the last 20nm to Nassau. Arrival
and clearance by the Harbour Control to enter BUT only if we can clear
the entrance bouys by 17:00 hrs - we were in-sight of the bouys but only 10
minutes to go - otherwise we would have to stand-off and wait for two cruise
liners to leave (one at 17:00 and one at 17:30)! So, engine revs on high
we "raced" toward the entrance - well, motored at 6 knots instead of 5! Not
as fast as some of the motor launches passing us by at 25+ knots! We made
it - along with a few other small vessels sneaking in and past "line of
liners" with awaiting passengers onboard -17:00hrs came and went - no
cruisers leaving or were they waiting for the harbour to be
cleared...??!! Tied
up alongside the mega-yachts in Bay Street Marina - a beer and conch fritters at
the dockside bar/restaurant finished the day nicely as we reflected on
memories of being here this time last year with Annelise. |