Cumberland Island - Georgia

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Fri 9 Mar 2018 18:31
An easy night, although watch alarms set to check night marks . we stayed nicely on position throughout.
Another blue sky day, tea in bed, waiting on the sun to warm the cold morning air before venturing out..
Some good spray-hood sewing repairs sewing done, and a trial with the new spark plug on the outboard - no success, no life at all. No choice but to find a mechanic to trace the problem.
So it was to the oars and a row across the creek to Cumberland Island's dock - no problem as the wind had almost dropped and the tide was on the turn. Down the riverside trail to the southerly dock, a plumed woodpecker high in the live oaks was spotted by another birdwatcher in front of us, followed by an interesting browse around the Ice House museum which was used to store ice for the Carnegie's Dungeness estate. Then out along the tree lined avenue to approach the ruined estate - as we had done several years ago when visiting with Annelise, although this time the Island was practically deserted.
Further south toward the beach, amongst the staff houses that served the estate, a wild horse wanders by, an opossum spotted near the trail and wild turkey's run across in front of us! Miles of bright white sand . shared only with the various sea birds catch whatever food they could find on the outgoing waves. Finally back across the Island, past the creeping tree and camping area to our dock, Mini Magic and another row back to Magic Friday. A little stronger "pull" needed against the tide!
Home-made turkey-burgers (not the wild ones we had just seen) on the BBQ just as the sun tucked itself below the horizon once more.
A perfect day on anchor..
Phil and Di