Brunswick Landing Marina - Georgia
Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Wed 10 Aug 2016 17:07
Another short run - the last few miles with Di biking and back to "Lovers Oak" for a few more photos! A pleasant quiet morning - everyone friendly and saying "good morning/hello" as we jog/ride past in "rush hour" Brunswick.past a Presbyterian church, the sheriff's office and a prison chain-gang working on one of the town squares. Back to the outboard, mounted on mini-magic - will it start? Briefly...a few seconds then cut-out. So, more than one problem....lengthen the pull chord to ensure sufficient turns ... starts a few seconds longer this time and dies.....the new pull chord breaks....a dash to the marina store for stronger chord, re-thread and try again....same few seconds and then nothing....maybe the petrol (gas) is too old (4 months)....drain the tank and can (into the car fuel tank) and of down to the marina pump and fill with non-ethanol gas....pull the chord - ah.. starts for a few more seconds than last time but cuts out again! The sun begins to set - not such a successful day - but time to take a cocktail hour at the Club and bbq in the escaping light. Ready to try another day!
Phil and Di