Day 2 - Brunswick GA - Florida
morning broke, we slipped away past dredgers int he channel and back to
open sea. Similar wind conditions as the day before, this time a trial with the
jib instead of the genoa, but unable to hold course we set off tacking to get
south. Encouraged by the sight of another yacht sailing as well, (we
had seen them yesterday and also must have spent the night in St Mary's
Inlet) battling to make way south in the light southerly breeze - as we were - a
conversation with their captain to discuss St Augustine stop-over instead of our
planned St Johns River (a place we were not keen on due to the strong river
currents and we could not get an inside berth at the marina we had stayed
before). So, plans changed, decision made to press on for St Augustine BUT we
had to arrive in daylight due to a tricky entrance. No more tacking in the light
winds, we motored a straight course. Unfortunately our company, also making the
decision to motor fell behind and went into St Johns for the night. The coast
guard, a serach and rescue launch and an overhead helicopter all advising
everyone of the presence of Northern Right Wales (and to stay more than 500
yards shoudl we see one - but no sightings for us today). Noond ay sightinga dn
position calculated (with a few small errors)! The rest of the afternoon slipped
by, as did the miles - but would we make it before nightfall? A discussion with
the marina regarding entrance advice and later with SeaTow all confirmed it was
possible as the marker bouys were in place but shoaling had been reported to the
south of the channel. At last we could see the lighted sea bouy to start the
channel entrance - only just - 2 minutes before sunset on a grey afternoon, with
an hour before high tide (optimal entry time). Darkness fell quickly as we edged
in - staying as far north as we dared, waves breaking on the sandbanks both
sides of us, a lighted red bouy ahead, then an un-light bouy (another
red?) ... and so on until we were finally inside the bay. We crept
cautiously to our pre-arranged mooring bouy, picked it up first time and
breathed a sigh of relief - we were in! At last - St Augustine from the Atlantic
entrance. City lights along the quayside shimmered across the bay. Time to rest
and sleep! Phil and Di |