Chesapeake Bay (Potomac River - Lower Machodoc Creek) - Day 6

a night! A shift in the wind woke us up, a full sky of lightening followed by
loud growling thunder and an ominous rise in the wind strength – why do
lightening storm always come at night and appear so fearful. Winds quickly up to
20-25 knots had us outside – stowing the bimini, adding another painter to Mini
Magic, double checking the now straining anchor and chain. This could have been
a long night. The rain thrashed down and the boat pitched and tossed on the
sudden tempest of the storm!
Thankfully, as with most storms, it wasn’t long lived and quickly blew
through – leaving a wake of turbulent water and a trail of lightening and
receding thunder – the anchor had held! Or at least mostly, by the morning we
had moved nearer the deeper channel (thankfully) and decided to make an early
morning exit rather than re-set! More rain followed on a grey day with at least
some decent winds to head north into Chesapeake Bay. Deciding to skirt round
Tangier Island rather than risk an overnight at anchor in poor shelter. As we
crossed the Potomac River entrance it seemed so easy to turn in and head up
towards Washington DC – change plans - instead of Solomon’s Island – only a 96
mile (each way detour)! So the day ended with us at anchor in Lower Machodoc
Creek Virginia. Mosquitos quickly chased us indoors for dinner and battening
down all the hatches!! |