Day 10 - Brunswick GA - Portsmouth VA

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Tue 10 Apr 2018 17:08
A little better weather to start . still the cold northerly (blowing at 17-10 knots) but at least not raining. Continued through miles upon miles of the Cyprus swamp, under fixed road bridges (taken very slowly with only inches to spare) and swing railroad bridges. Until eventually breaking out into civilisation and commercialism of the start of Myrtle Beach -a 60 mile white sand beach (Atlantic side) with commensurate hotels and amenities for everyone. Thankfully, we were on the quiet westerly land side along the ICW, slipping past homes with dock fronts of varying sizes and styles. All very interesting as we passed by at a slow 4-5 knots speed.
That was until we passed by the only marina (out of 12 listed) that could accommodate our deeper draft - The Grand Dunes Marina - although the board announced the Park Marina, so we motored on by until realizing our mistake (the marina was not marked on our chart as it is a recent build - but Google Maps and a few phone calls eventually located their position and we had to turn round and head south again for a few miles!!
Nevertheless, quickly tied up the hotel complex, a short walk to a supermarket to pick up a few provisions - included the elusive lobster tails for another night - tonight dockside BBQ of fresh tuna steaks.delicious!
Phil and Di