City Marina - Fort Pierce Florida

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Sat 29 Apr 2017 17:12
27:27.1N 80:19.3W

Another bright sunshine day.... Saturday morning, local producers setting up stands nearby on the town square readying for the weekly farmers (and crafts) market. But for some it is to boat shut down and cleaning jobs - water maker sterilised, diesel tank filled and containers replenished (25 gallons, $58 for the entire 4 week trip of just short of 700nm - that's a sailing boat)! Leather upholstery feed, mahogany wood polished and generally cleaned.

The sun beat down and the day slipped by - occupied with our things to do until the evening was upon us and to the shore side BBQ once more to end the day (and a Midsomer espisode on Netflix)!

Phil & Di