City Marina - Fort Pierce Florida

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Sun 19 Mar 2017 18:02
A day for unpacking, setting up the boat again - a full gas cylinder loaded (filled at a more helpful location in Atlanta), a continuing the search for a battery lead in order to install the battery shunt, and a small provisioning trip at the local Publix.
Disappointingly, no success at the local auto shop for a suitable lead. However, whilst at West marine securing other items of spare equipment (and triple points as a "gold" member), they had in store all the pieces to construct a lead: marine grade 2 / O AWG, 3/8" galvanized connectors and shrinkable rubber sleeves. But how to crimp such large connectors to wire that was 1/2" thick? Well, West Marine provides a workbench and a few tools, with the aid of a shop assistant, other tools were borrowed and the connections made within 30 minutes - excellent!
Rounding of the day at another local restaurant - Cobb's Landing for drinks, a bar meal and conversations with others sitting at the bar - rounded off a good day all round!
Phil and Di