Day 18 - Bahama Cruising (Hatchet Bay - Eleuthera Island)

In this perfectly sheltered bay we decided to finish the AIS work and install the new GPS antenna properly - this entailed feeding the new cable along the conduct and hoping the string lead would npot part company somewhere within the tube before emerging at the instrument end .... 2 attempts - it got stuck only inches into the tube...3rd attempt and success the cable passed the obstruction and pulled all the way through...phew! We also added another string which is now left inside the tube - should we ever want to try to feed something else through. The remainder of the AIS was easy - adding cable ties (I used only 15 in total), connect it up and test - working...a job well done! Then to the shore and back into Alice Town for an evening drink at the "Twin Brothers" (as seen on CBC)! As we walked in the staff jumped up "customers"....we were the only ones. They were very pleasant, keen to chat, express desires to travel Europe, they agreed the constant cockerel calls were a nuisance (we didn’t mention the evening sermons!), they explained the marketing on TV (apparently there is a “chain” of Twin Brothers across the Bahamian Islands) and at the same time mixed us great drinks and served half a dozen conch fritters. A pleasant "happy hour" with the locals. Back to the boat and yes...a bbq to round of the evening ...of course! Phil and Di |