Brunswick Landing Marina - Georgia

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Sun 5 Feb 2017 21:20
What a contrast to yesterday - bright blue skies, sunshine and a warmer start to the day. So, a quiet bike / run in the Old Historic Town of Brunswick, passing antebellum houses, across Oglethorpe designed squares with live oaks draped in Spanish Moss and dappled sunlight cutting through the morning air. Out to Lovers Oak and back - just over 3 miles.
Still pondering on the Philippi tank monitor: why isn't the new one functioning? Was it a fuse somewhere in the main battery circuits? Checked the starter battery compartment again - nothing. Checked under the nav table fuse panel - ah... a 2 amp fuse blown - not clear what circuit that was on - but replaced and ... a working tank / battery monitor - at last! Reading ~ 12V on the 2nd (SH13 minus) and 3rd (SH12 Service Battery plus) connectors as the technician from Philippi had suggested. Great - good to be able to monitor functions again. However, fitting the shunt is another project for later.
Di out for an afternoon walk along the marina (looking for Manatees - as spotted last week), Sunday roast on the dock BBQ for an early dinner and then off to the Clubhouse to watch the SuperBowl (Atlnata Hawks vrs New England Patriots)....score to be posted tomorrow!
Phil and Di