Brunswick Landing Marina - Georgia

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Mon 17 Oct 2016 18:48
Sunrise in a beautiful clear blue sky - not a breath of wind. A day for jobs, boat cleaning, starboard winch collets added, provisioning and stowage. A busy day all round. Evening run, clocking 8 miles as the day began to cool. Dockside BBQ rounding off the night - great to be back at the marina.
More updates on Hurricane Matthew - the storm surge of water, fortunately at low tide, was 7-8ft above normal water levels, 85+ mph winds again fortunately blowing offshore and holding some of the surge back. Nevertheless, the floating docks were close to reaching the top of their pylons - if they had breached then all would have been lost!! Definitely a close shave for everyone. Unfortunately, a marina closer to the coastline was not so lucky - the result being most boats are now at Brunswick\Landing!
Phil and Di