Day 1 - Fort Pierce Florida - St Augustine Florida

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Mon 12 Jun 2017 18:04
A possible weather window in between the thunderstorms - so a decision to cast off on the tide and head north. At least - so we thought, trying to gauge high tide for the shallow marina exit and low tide to clear the 65ft fixed bridge - this time we ran aground just 30ft from the marina.. Soft mud, slow speed, slowly edged the bow round 180 degrees and eventually off the bank - back into the marina! Checked with the dockhands by radio - better to wait another 30 minutes for a full high tide.. And then we slipped away . very slowly in "zero" water depth but at least edging forward over the bank. Under the bridge without touching the VHF arial - we were away!
Sails set, a light easterly wind - to a destination... a night time entrance to the marina at Cape Canaveral - not difficult but not the best option, instead, heading out into the Gulf Stream for a favourable lift we set a course for St Augustine - 170nm and two overnights away..
Lightning storms and heavy rain clouds over the stern - always look worse as the darkness sets in - we will be lucky and miss them? A brief heavily clouded sun-set ended the day. Almost a full moon but veiled by clouds at least gave some light for our way. A pleasing 2-3 knots lift from the Gulf Stream but dying winds confirmed that we would not make St Augustine high tide until Wednesday mid-day.