Chesapeake Bay (Potomac River - Freelance Point) - Day 7

day dawned hopefully – that was until we opened the hatch! A thousand, maybe
more – mosquitoes – all swarming inside the spray hood and in every corner of
the cockpit! A nightmare – time to leave FAST! Picking our way out of the creek
and avoiding the treacherous shoals we motored gently – not wanting to disturb
the mosquitoes until we were ready to shake them out. The fresh north easterly
breeze helped flush them out! Then came the boat cleaning to rid of the tiny
greenish marks they had left! Back to sailing up the Potomac past Cobb Island
and onward. That was until we were hailed by the U.S. Navy boat “Gun Range #3” –
with clear instructions to take a route nearer the Maryland shoreline as they
had firing practice in progress! Who were we to argue – and duly complied! Under
the Harry W Nice Memorial Bridge (clearance 105ft saw us taking the twists and
turns of the Potomac as we would our way up towards Washington. Then there
overhead pylons to navigate –was it 75ft clearance of 175ft clearance? The chart
wasn’t clear! A call to the U.S. Coast Guard had them checking heir charts and
confirming 75ft – at the highest pylon. Ok – so our 65.5ft mast should clear
(unlike the bridges on the ICW) – which we did (in fact the missing words on the
chart was 175ft in the main channel – so all was well). Looking for a pull in
overnight – deciding that Belmount Bay in the Occoquan Creek was too shallow –
we settled on a more open river position opposite Freelance Creek. Once again
invaded by mosquitoe swarms after the sun ahd set – just waiting or the
morning mess to clear up and kill hundreds again!! Phil and Di |