Brunswick Landing Marina - Georgia

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Tue 9 Aug 2016 21:52
Early morning (short) run into historic downtown Brunswick, past "The Lover's Oak" (said to date back to the 12th century) According to local legend, Native American braves and their maidens met under the majestic spreading limbs of this enormous oak. As of 2005, the Lover's Oak was estimated to be 900 years old. The tree's trunk is about 13 feet in diameter and it branches into ten limbs measuring 12 to 30 inches in diameter - what a tree and what a privilege to run past it - will take Di there one morning on her bike! Outboard carburetor re-assembled - no petrol leak - so maybe fixed the probably - I'll leave the testing of it to tomorrow. Mini-Magic inflated and launched - getting ready to go south for a short trip - probably leaving early Thurs morning to catch the winds as they bear easterly later that day. Laundry done - all up to-date! Ready for a quiet evening.
Phil and Di