Goodbye to the seals

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Sun 9 Aug 2015 10:35

Our position is 57:57.195N 19:04.914E

Distance covered 26.7Nm

In the morning we had a final foray in the dinghy to see if we could get the mournful seals to swim with us but to no avail, so we pulled up the anchor and headed south again. This time our destination was Faro, a small island just North of Gotland in the middle of the Baltic. These islands are notable for their limestone coast, with pillars of rock, which are considered impressive locally.

The nearest we got to a seal

Moorglade in the sunshine off the beach at Gotska Sandon

The passage was uneventful. There were two boats anchored off the South of Gotska Sandon in an area our chart had as a no anchoring place, but apart from that all we saw was the ferry, paying scant attention to the rules about crossing traffic separation zones. Mind you there was no shipping using it so we didn’t bother with the right angle crossing either.

The water was thick with the algae


Just as we arrived at Lauterhorn harbour a boat was leaving the quay, so we were spared having to raft alongside another boat and were able to tie up alongside for a change. I guess there wasn’t enough room to accommodate the bow to mooring.

Lauterhorn harbour

We had arrived early enough to take the bikes for an airing along the coast to admire the limestone pillars and we returned via a track through the woods for a bit of added excitement. We weren’t sure where it actually went and at times it was quite bumpy, but we ended up back at the harbour before it got dark.

Limestone coast pictures

Heading into the unknown

but we arrived at civilisation