Nearly there

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Mon 1 Jul 2013 16:32
Our position is 39:26.35N 32:12.00W
Distance logged in last 24 hours 159 Nm
Over the last few days we have been running the engine on easy revs, partly because we are short of lubricating oil since the incident with the oil pressure gauge pipe. Late yesterday evening things became more serious as the oil level in the sump became critical, and the oil pressure was dropping. The only remedy was to strain the oil we had scooped and mopped up from the engine room bilge, after the pipe burst, and put it back in. Kitchen paper proved not to be porous enough for the filter so an old T shirt was sacrificed and used double thickness to remove the worst of the contamination. It has done the trick, and with oil pressure and oil temperature restored to normal we have felt able to run at higher revs. This along with a now calm sea has improved our speed and we are hopeful of making our way point of the south west of Flores by about 19:30 and having enough daylight left to do the next 5 Nm or so to Porto das Lajes.
We will report our arrival when it happens, no counting of unhatched chickens here.
P.S. As I was about to send this diary entry Jim has spotted land, rising steeply from the sea. But for the mist in the distance it would have been visible for some time.  (chickens remain uncounted)