Light Winds.

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Sat 4 Dec 2010 13:39
Our position is 13:48.668N  24:50.435W
24 hour Run     Log trip (through the water)          61.2 Nm
24 hour Run     GPS     (overground)                   61Nm
Midday wind and weather                                    Force 1 N Hot sun with some cumulus cloud
Sea state:                                                          Millponds spring to mind
Temperature:                                                     32 C
Miles to Barbados:                                             2025 Nm
Very light winds for last 24 hours have seen all the tricks of the trade from Ted to gain every last inch , as you can see
from distance covered the wind has not been in our favour. Last night after several hours of main sail backing and banging we gave up and started the engine (04.00) to be faced with a warning light which prompted us to switch off
immediately - new pulley fitted this morning has it running again.
Lack of sleep is all forgotten after a good breakfast , a fresh loaf of bread for lunch in the oven,we are all ready for
another day . An interesting time yesterday when Golden Star (cargo ship) was heading for us not changing course, it
was at a distance of 3 miles, we contacted the bridge to get a reply saying that he does not have a vessel ahead of him .It
appears that, after re-checking AIS or getting off his chair and looking out of a window, it changed course passing to our
port side.
Today we are sailing in 4 knots of wind with head sail and cruising chute deployed, blue sky with some cloud and 32 degrees. 
Although the wind is very poor at the moment we are promised better next week.