Leaving Lagos - Canaries passage day 1

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Mon 11 Oct 2010 12:11
Our position is 35:49.52N 09:19.75W
Monday 11th October 12:45 pm
Kay John and Ted left Lagos heading for Lanzarote
at 18:45 yesterday evening. We had intended to leave early this morning but a
close study of the predicted wind over the next 7 days and discussion with
another British yacht with similar intensions encouraged us to make our
preparations as quickly as possible and go. So with provisions stowed the
diesel tank filled (along with a couple of 30 litre cans on deck) we motored out
in very light wind only to discover that the auto helm was not working which
meant hand steering while motoring.
The night turned out to be a tough one with lots of
shipping, torrential rain, and a wind that contrary to predictions continued to
rise up to force 6 from the SW and then veer into the NW reaching gale force at
times. The sea state was very rough. We
spent a lot of the night broad reaching under only double reefed
Things improved a lot with daylight. The wind
moderated down to about 25kts so the headsail could be unrolled and George took
over at the helm.
Toast and coffee for breakfast and then time to
catch up on sleep lost through last night. My next job is getting lunch.