Rugen rally day 6

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Fri 10 Jul 2015 22:26

The wind was still blowing hard the next day so the ferry to Peenemunde remained cancelled. We were being encouraged to ride our bikes there – a 20km trip I believe – but I thought the wind would make the journey much too much like hard work, although others did cycle, but instead we shared a taxi with Simon and Sue.

We all seemed to be struggling with the windy conditions

Views of Peenemunde. Apparently there is still a Lancaster in the lake seen in the second picture

This stone commemorates some Russian prisoners who escaped in a Heinkel from Peenemunde. The got home successfully in spite of being shot at by their own troops

A replica of an early rocket. The picture refers to an early sci-fi film about a woman on the moon

There are also art exhibitions mounted in the buildings and we think this was being prepared for an exhibition

The museum was very well presented and the English language audio guide essential. It taught me some things I had been unaware of as far as history went and there was a fair amount of philosophical musing about rocket development for warfare or a source of enhancement of our knowledge of the universe.

We saw these from the roof and were unsure what they would have been used for

The marina we were in from the roof at Peenemunde – a short ferry ride or a much longer bike ride as the first bridge is 5 miles south

After the rocket museum we went round a Russian submarine. There was no information whatsoever about what we were looking at and it certainly it brought home to us how cramped life must have been for the sailors. One visitor had a claustrophobic panic and had to push her way past to get out – although I thought the lack of space for pushing past might have made her worse. The whole thing had been dressed with some mannequins who made the most unconvincing sailors and in some cases were in suggestive poses, which certainly added to the entertainment.

Russian submarine

with very little room inside

and dodgy mannequins

On closer inspection the sub was revealed to have a Dalek on top

When we were back at the marina I cooked dinner for Simon, Sue & Nicholas – anything rather than face the eating out opportunities again! It wasn’t  a late night as the wind had finally dropped and we were starting early the next morning to make the 7:45 bridge at Wolgast.