wind a plenty- sometimes

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Thu 9 Dec 2010 15:11
Our position is 13:20.56N 35:16.99W
24 hour Run     Log trip (through the water)          152.6Nm  (our log seems to be about 6% high sine we had it out to fix)
24 hour Run     GPS     (overground)                   148.0Nm
Midday wind and weather                                    Force 3 NE     Cloudy with rain squalls   
Sea state:                                                          Swell from the north with confused sea.
Temperature:                                                      30C
Distance to go                                                    1,410Nm
We dropped the chute about 18:00 yesterday after using it to great effect during the day. By the time we took it down the wind was blowing at up to 18 knts and had started to back. The rest of the evening and early night  we enjoyed fast sailing, beam reaching with full main and genoa, aries steering. When I took over from Peter at 02:00 the stats looked good and 160 miles for the day looked very possible. As we worked our way further to the north, making up for our fast off wind sailing with the chute up, the Johann Smidt came back on the AIS and before dawn we could just see her lights when were both on a wave crest.
This morning the weather has been disappointing. First the wind dropped away and delayed the fried bacon in fresh baked baguette breakfast while we hoisted the chute to keep our average going (we still had 160 in our sights). No sooner had breakfast been enjoyed than the wind came up quickly to 20+ knots so down with the chute and reefed main and headsail. That soon went and we were back to looking for wind. As the stats show we didn't make 160 but still a respectable run for a 10m yacht.
Currently (15:00 UT) it is raining hard and blowing well. I am sure it will not last and at least I am down below typing. The worst thing about the inclement weather is that rain and spray keeps the hatches shut so it gets very hot and humid below decks.
The outlook suggests plenty of wind for the next few days, I hope it is a bit more constant.
Sorry about the lateness of this diary entry. Sail changing,having a shower, washing the salt out of my wet clothes, sending yesterdays diary entry again and trying to work out what might have gone wrong all took up time. I hope this one works properly. Perhaps you could let me know Kay.