Starting to head south

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Sat 27 Aug 2016 20:41

Our position is 59:12.588N 23:29.939E

Distance covered 46.3Nm

It rained heavily overnight but by the morning it had cleared and we set off sailing close hauled across the bay, heading west to Dirhami. Once again there was a multitude of ferries and also several ships anchored. The wind dropped and as the course headed more southerly became too close to sail without the engine. We were keen to cover as much ground as possible as there was a strong wind forecast for the next day.

Goodbye to the Pirita harbour at Tallinn

Makes a change from ferries

It was unclear whether this was a beacon, a birdwatching hide or a sentry post

The passage was uneventful until the end, when there was some difficulty identifying the leading marks for the entrance as they were hidden in the trees, but we managed to negotiate the channel and avoided all the rocks. Again the harbour was quite empty but the harbourmaster was very helpful, although his English was extremely limited (but better than our Estonian).

  Approaching Dirhami harbour

tied up in Dirhami harbour

The following day there were very strong westerlies and it was quite uncomfortable in the harbour. We went for a walk through the woods and down the coast, but it was unpleasantly windy. We enjoyed an excellent meal in the harbour side restaurant, which found room for us in spite of hosting a large birthday party.

We nearly blew away walking along here

This guy was braver than us

Even in Estonia there are amazing wood stacks

  The wind had an upside – it blew away the clouds!