Up a reed lined creek

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Mon 4 Jul 2016 14:50

Our position is 59:58.716N 23:54.699E

It was a quiet day as we motored through some narrow leads and had a scary moment with a chain ferry, which set off and then went back for a latecomer. Our destination, Elisaari, was down a shallow, narrow reed lined passage but we negotiated it successfully and arrived at the deeper pool by the harbour, where we tied up to wooden staging along the bank.


  Leaving Tammisaari

  A very still morning


Beautiful holiday homes and the means of reaching them

The start of the reed lined passage

It got narrower and narrower

And then we arrived

We set off to explore the walks through the woods but a massive thunderstorm was imminent so we hurried back to the boat and shelter, which curtailed the photography. We needed to push on to Helsinki so there was no time for any further exploration the next day, but we did think it was a delightful, peaceful place, and well worth a stop.