A Tough Day's Tourism

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Wed 23 May 2012 03:21
23rd May 2012
Today we did American history. Well perhaps not quite all of it, and we might be criticised for being a touch superficial with our approach. However I do know a bit more than I did, which is not saying much, and a quick browse in the visitor centre shop enabled me to buy a slim, but highly recommended volume, that should fill in some of the gaps in my knowledge about the Revolutionary War (American War of Independence)
The area is home to the Scenic Colonial Parkway a Historical Nation Park that includes James Town, the place where the very first successful English settlement was established in 1607, Williamsburg, which was the capital of Virginia at the time of the revolutionary war, and Yorktown the sight of the last decisive battle of the war where the French helped the Americans defeat Cornwallis in 1781. At the James town site there was quite a lot of exposed archaeology and a small museum with a well presented collection of artefacts. Williamsburg is a cross between a theme park and enactment society. All the buildings are reconstructions. Yorktown is a real little town with a lot of old buildings with information boards. There are also the battlefields.
The five sites and visitor centres are linked by a free bus service which once you understand how it operates, which is far from obvious, helps you get the whole lot done in a day. In fact we got back to the dock in time for the very helpful harbourmaster Mike to give Travis and I a lift in his car to the supermarket. John and Chris were gutted there was not room for them in the car and had to fill in time waiting for our return at the local bar. Back in the dinghy for more Another Adventure hospitality.
The repro British Governors House                                                                     Most of the church is original
Re enactment is a full time job.                                                                                       The Capitol
The crosses mark the burial place of the 240 settlers who died in the first winter      The church was built within the fortifications
                                                                                                                          Pocahontas was married to John Rolfe here.
Victory Memorial                                                                   Main street Yorktown
Moorglade and Another Adventure viewed from the monument                            Yorktown Bridge