Alicante 38 20.451N 000 28.933W

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Wed 27 Jun 2018 12:09
This was Sunday and the anchorage filled up rapidly again with day trippers and motor yachts from around midday. As the noise rose, we decided to set off and upped the anchor just after 1500, and a timely telephone call from Tim with a summary of his showing in Cora in the Morgan Cup race.
A lovely sail ensued, under the kite with reducing breeze though. By the time darkness fell and the almost full moon smiled down on us, the engine was on and we puttered gently through the night. At one stage, the breeze built to 12 knots and the kite went up again. But it was not to last, and mid morning on Monday found us ghosting along in 6 knots. 10 miles from Alicante, the wind ran out altogether, so engine on again and we were able to take sails down and stow them as we motored downwind, faster than the breeze.
Alicante has a very large marina. It is right in the city centre. We are tucked in on K pontoon and have spent a day or two cleaning and servicing the boat, doing the washing, changing engine oil and filters, pickling the water maker and generally sorting out Persephone as she will stay here for a couple of weeks while we return to the UK.
Nice steak at one of the marina restaurants, too!
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