Tuesday 17th January 17 52.460N 31 46.500W
Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Tue 17 Jan 2017 07:39
It's just after 0700 UT here and about 90
minutes before we expect the first glimmer of light at dawn. Last night was
considerably faster than the previous couple of nights, so much so that we took
the kite down around 11.30 to enable an easr sail and allow us each a period of
extended sleep. We have covered more than 70 miles in the last 12
The sky was fantastic, as moonrise wasn't until
around midnight and the starry sky was a thing to behold.
The corned eef hash had a spicy edge to it, with
Karen's trademark tweak of some cumin and chilli. A hit!
We also had a minor mystery to solve; As I was on
the foredeck preparing to drop the kite, we were both sure we saw a light on our
starboard bow. A faintly reddish orange, it was one of those lights which could
either have been a faded port light or old school filament bulb stern light. It
seemed reasoably close....maybe a mile or so.
We deopped the kite and tidied up, switched off our
deck light and looked again for the light. We saw nothing more and there was no
AIS signal either. So the mystery went unsolved....one of those
This morning, I think we will gybe. Barbados is now
264 degrees true and I think we can probably sail that on starboard. 1633 miles
to go. I expect to reach the half way point tomorrow.