Playa Del Trench and Sant Jordi 39 19.687N 002 59.265E

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Sun 17 Jun 2018 07:48
We are anchored over sand, in about 3.5m of water and the effect is stunning, with tuquoise blue water. The village itself is essentially a quiet holiday resort, populated by retired germans, soaking up the sun with more than average surface area. That said, it is a welcome change not to have the speedboats, jetskis and parasailors dashing in an out of the anchorage, as was the case close to Magaluf last week.
The world cup has started and the bars and restaurants ashore are all showing games on wide screen TV’s, exclusively with german commentary, which says volumes about the extent and success of the invasion.
On the social front, we have caught up again with Griff and Jane on Coco Buroo, whom we met fleetingly in Ibiza, and Martin and Pam, who have just taken delivery of a new (to them) Oyster 56 called Enjoy Life....they are from Salcombe and have another Oyster which they keep there!
So far, so good for Mallorca. Many people seem to slip away from these islands as the season develops into high summer, and return in September when the temperatures, crowds and prices subside a little. We are planning to do the same, serendipitously, driven by other reasons.
The winds look good for a flit back to Ibiza in a couple of days and thence to Alicante by next weekend.
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