St Martin to Azores. First Report. 20 12.844N 62 36.538W

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Mon 5 Jun 2017 13:25
We set off from Marigot, St Martin at 13.15 local
time yesterday, the 4th June, which is 4 hours behind UT. It is now 13.15 UT on
Monday 5th and we have been making good progress.
We are sailing in around 15 knots of wind,
direction 125, and heading 020 uder a single reefed main and the trusty old
dacron No 2 genoa. It is sunny, and the sea state is very manageable, though the
swell from the east makes it a little rolly. We are reaching to the north,
making some easting, but the main thing is to ride the wind around in an arc to
our first waypoint, and thereafter pick our way through the mid Atlantic high
and find a westerly or south westerly on the other side of it.
Very hot still...water temperature is 29
degrees. Last night we had a simple supper of quiche and our last tin of
Heinz baked beans. We are both well and reasonably rested. Karen let me sleep
through most of last night!
SOG is around 7 knots.
All well.