Preparing for Biscay

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Tue 21 Jun 2016 10:06
We are here in Brixham 50 24.012N 003
30.526W. Persephone has been tied up here for about a week, since we left
Hamble and sailed the 20 hour flit west. It was lovely to see Rob and
Julie, Brian and Suzanne, and of course Michael R, who all came down to Hamble
to see us off, or perhaps to make sure we actually left!
On arrival in Brixham, we caught up with Brian and
Jennifer, on their beautiful boat True Colours....waiting for the Devon weather
to improve before heading further west. From Brixham, we caught the ferry to
Torquay, hired a car and visited Paul and Debra up on Dartmoor for a catch up
and some lovely food and wine. Then on to see Oli in his new abode in Bristol,
as well as his workplace...the rather trendy Bambalam. Since then Karen
and I have had a long weekend in France, preparing the cottage for the summer,
and now that's done, we are finally contemplating
the start of the real sailing.
The wind direction looks to be better the further
we go into this week...with northerlies forecast in La Coruna for the
weekend. If we get this first bit right, we will stay warm and dry,
getting warmer and drier as we progess. Then we can lock into the seasonal
northerlies which should run down the west coast of Portugal, and start a year
of downwind sailing along the trade route! That's the
All is well, spirits are high and we are just off
to Brixham town to replenish the larder, send some letters and after refuelling,
we are having a quick stop next door in Dartmouth....
On Wednesday, we should see blighty slip behind us
over the horizon.
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