Santa Maria 36 56.666N 25 08.876W

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Fri 18 Aug 2017 13:58
The 60 miles or so, door to door, as it were, took about nine and a half hours and we arrived at dusk, too late to check in. But this morning we were greeted by the delightfully helpful marina manager, checked in and are finding our bearings.
The atmosphere here is distinctly different to the relative hustle and bustle of the "big city" (sic) of Ponta Delgada....theres a quiet, villagy feel to the island and immediately we have taken to it.
Our visit coincides with an international music festival which is being staged in Priaia Formosa, a few miles down the coast, so we will have to check that out.
The showers are very good, too!
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