Bermuda to Azores Saturday 11.5.13

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Sat 11 May 2013 15:30
We passed a pleasant enough evening last night as conditions improved. No more squalls and even slightly less lumpy seas so a tad less slamming.  You might have thought that this would be a recipe for improving morale...
However, this morning, Nigel checked bilges...we took on a fair amount of water on the trip to Bermuda from Dominican Republic whilst sailing on starboard tack, as we are now, and we suspected a leak from a deck fitting, or even the anchor locker...somewhere forward, anyway.  Well this morning, we had gallons of water sloshing around midships, in the central bilges.
After bailing it out, we are now pretty sure we have a persistent leak from the keel. It seems to be linked to sailing on starboard tack, and may be associated with the creaking, cracking sound we get when on starboard.
The leak is about a pint every half hour or so, and manageable with sponges etc at the moment.
We are keen to make progress to Azores, but none to keen to press too hard and heel this might increase the problem.
So in 16 knots of breeze, we are inching along at 4 knots, still headed north, looking for calmer seas into which we might make better headway, in lighter winds as we try to head up onto a close hauled course. At present we can only sail cracked off at 50 degrees apparent, as the waves stop us dead if we try to sail higher..
Position as at 1530UT;
37 25.405N  42 49.739W