GBR8287 Persephone of London
Fastnet day 4 0850 BST If there is one word to describe yesterday evening... it is "dark". The afternoon all went to plan - the wind continued to back, the sun stayed out and we were reaching along in 10-12 knots, pointing at the rock with great determination, and of course, great speed. The wind did die off for a short time, and went round to the south - so we quickly got the kite up and continued on our way. I was slightly concerned, as a 6knot southerly wasn't in any of our forecasts... and it would essentially mean that we had long overshot our 'westing' on Monday evening. However, the southerly soon shifted back to the south west (on forecast) and built... bringing with it dark clouds, rainfall and gusts of 15-17 knots. At around 1900, we were discussing on deck how to take the kite down, and more importantly when to do it. We were quick, 8.5 knots-ish and very under control. However, a few minutes later our decision was made for us, as a gust blew the head out of our kite. DAMN. Our moods 'darkened' somewhat - but only after we were back on track with our genoa up. It wasn't a lot slower, but it was a bit. The breeze continued to build and we peeled down to the smaller jib for a 20 knot beam reach into the rock. We rounded at 0512 this morning. It was DARK. Nothing like Monday's clear evening skies. We couldn't even see the loom of the Fastnet lighthouse until we were within 1.5 miles of it. The fog was thick and at times it was a struggle to see even the top of our own rig! Every time I come to Ireland (or near to it), I am reminded why I should never return...the rain. Its absolutely soaking... unbelievably heavy but also very very thin. It's like sailing through a cold steam room. Having rounded the rock, and began our escape from Ireland, the skies have already brightened. We've been followed by dolphins and we are sailing with the fleet in the usual procession back to home and the beer tent... about 125-135 COG and around 8.0kts SOG. We must not switch off! We are tired but we must not fall into the trap of thinking our tactical endeavours are over. Gains still to be made.. I hope Tim Persephone GBR8287 |