
Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Tue 7 Feb 2017 16:54
We arrived at Carlisle Bay, Bridgetown, Barbados at 2am local time on Sunday 29th January.

We had logged 2795 miles and were very happy to arrive. We chose a position towards the northern end of the bay, close to the entrance to the Careenage, the harbour close to the town, where we understood there was a small marina and the possibility of a walk ashore berth. But the first priority was to get a good sleep and prepare the boat for a period of relative calm.

Around noon the next day, we had managed to pump up the dinghy and visit the Careenage, to start the process of clearing in to Barbados. That involved a short taxi ride to the cruise ship terminal and all went surprisingly efficiently. But none of the formalities were embarked upon before sharing a beer with Neil and Gillian, whose Silver Lining was tied up safely in the Careenage.

Next was a visit toBridgetown and some restocking of our fridge and larder. Finally a stroll along the beach and our first rum punches of the trip.

On Tuesday, we found the oasis of calm that is the Barbados Yacht Club at the other end of the bay. And we were contacted by Andy Budgen for a quick get together....he is in Barbados for a few weeks winter sailing with his International Moth.....

And then we were joined by Anna and Michael Robson for a few weeks cruising in the Windward and Leeward Islands.

We took a local bus to the wild eastern coastline to witness the big surf and crashing waves as they pile into the windward coast of Barbados. There was a rather nice lunch to be had in that remote spot too...Marlin steaks.

Bridgetown has considerable charm. The old part of the town is definitely rooted in British Colonial soil. The town centre has a number of upmarket shops, department stores and the like. These coexist, cheek by jowl with the shanty town elements, the street vendors, market traders and so on. Its a bustling, colourful, vibrant scene.

By the weekend though, it was time to contemplate leaving Barbados and continue our oddyssey westward, towards the St Vincent Grenadines and the world famous Tobago Cays.
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