Marigot Bay, St Lucia 13 57.990N 61 01.650W

Persephone... Cruiser/Racer
Nigel & Karen Goodhew...
Fri 17 Feb 2017 17:01
The plan is to have dinner on 17th February our 28th wedding anniversary ( where did all that time go?) at the Rainforest Hideaway, which has impressed before.
This time, the Silver Linings are ahead of the fleet, and welcomed us in. After a night on a mooring ball, we switched to the northern side of the channel, off the Doolittles bar, to anchor in a spot we have enjoyed before.
Our sail up here was windy, scattered with one or two squally showers and gusting up to 24 knots, in an unusually cloudy sky. But now, as I write, normal service has resumed and we have the warm and sunny Caribbean vista to enjoy.
In an interesting nautical development yesterday, a Dutch couple sailing their Halberg Rassy 49 Novatrix, lost their propeller while anchoring close by and eventually, in a great display of seamanship, sailed onto a mooring ball, possibly the one we vacated. Then a diver searched for, found and retrieved the prop in 13 metres of water. This morning, Novatrix slipped serenely out under sail, presumably to slide down to Rodney Bay and haul out to replace the propeller properly....lucky!
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