Aldan and Cangas

22 August 2013 – at Anchor off Cangas, Ria de Vigo 42:15.675N 8:46.516W From Portosin to the Ria de Adan last night: a very comfortable passage anchorage that has the benefit of being sheltered from the south. Yes, situation normal – as the plan to go south matures, the wind changes too. The wind was southerly again this morning but is gradually moving back to the north. In consequence the weather has been grey and murky and (this morning) almost chilly. Roger decided to test whether the heater is still working. I understand that regular testing is essential to assure continuing reliable operation. Whatever, it was very comforting! Here are some pictures of Aldan. The first one is of a derelict fish factory. The still water in the foreground conceals a rock just below the surface that is very visible indeed at low water. The Ria is a mass of viveros – frames with mussels hanging down on ropes. The boats visit to harvest the mussels. This one is just leaving. This morning, with low cloud and no wind, was leisurely. Roger sorted out his thoughts on the bimini design (measurements, angles, etc;) and I transcribed Becky’s notes on Caribbean cruising which she gave me before we left Falmouth. Becky, they are super! Thank you so much! Roger had the solar panels rigged to catch any sun there was. Suddenly, bingo! The sun came out and for a short time, (cold panels, hot sun) there was a take of 9.6amps that he wishes to be recorded in the blog! There was a scare with the windlass as the anchor came up after lunch and we set off. In Portosin , the hottest weather so far triggered the windlass motor to start unprompted. We weren’t aboard, and it was some time before the fuse tripped the electricity supply. There are nerves about damage. This morning the anchor lifted OK – but then disengaged for the final few metres. Roger was very concerned indeed that the gearbox has failed – not just expensive, but also requiring extensive and time-consuming modification to the boat. The manual has been reviewed! At present it looks as though some greasing is needed to a component (It may be sticky pawls in the ratchet assembly for those with an interest in such matters). Fingers crossed. Cangas is the second passage anchorage, on the north side of the Vigo ria, and overlooking the city on the south shore. We’ll go across tomorrow to Vigo – or rather Bouzas, which I think will be an industrial suburb, to meet on Saturday Cesar from Tela Marinera, whom we hope has the capacity and capability to make the bimini without too much delay. Assuming we can make an agreement, we’ll go back to Arosa for some cruising until the time comes to fit the new beast. |