An Eventful Day.
Magnetic Attraction
Roger and Margaret Pratt
Thu 5 Dec 2013 15:11
5 December 2013
33:53.5W Course: 246 Engine Hrs: 3hrs (for purposes only of battery charging) Day's Run: 124miles Total: 1,459 miles - Expected total distance 3000 miles Air Temperature 28.6C Water temperature 31.0C Wind speed: 10knts Wind direction: 75T We have just had an eventful start to the day! First we hope we will get to the half way point
(1500 miles) by about dinner time today. This will be a celebration feast
of a little bubbly and then steak that Margaret has saved specially for halfway
Secondly I have caught my first and second fish of
the passage this morning! I put a muppet out at about 0800hrs and around 0900 we
had a small tuna, landed just after finishing a celebration breakfast of
scrambled eggs, toast and crispy bacon. Bryan dispatched and prepared the tuna
while I put out the line again. Only about 20mins later we heard the reel
screech and we had a second fish, this time it was a small Mahi Mahi.
Lunch of freshly caught fish is in prospect. This event is particularly special
for me since up to this point the fish I have been able to catch are Mackerel so
Tuna and Mahi Mahi has improve my record somewhat. Fishing up to this
point has not been good with no strikes with the small fish-like lure for two
days so we changed to a big fish like lure and nothing until we retrieved the
line at the end of the day to find no lure attached and the wire trace severed!
What size of fish could do that? The wire trace was a bit small in
diameter so I will use a bigger wire.
We have been investing in heading south for the
past two days in order to find more reliable fresher winds so today we will, at
last, turn west and head straight to Martinique. The forecast shows
10-15kts NE winds for the next few days: then on Monday very light winds
again before filling in from the North for 24hrs. Thereafter, the
trades should set in again from NE-E at about 15-20knts so may be we will make
better progress for the home run. Fingers crossed.
It's hot and humid today so the 30Deg sea temp
looks inviting if we run out of wind. However, Bryan has promised Jenny that
there will be no swimming whatsoever out in the wide open Atlantic Ocean. We
could do with some rain so that we can all have a shower on deck and may be fill
the water tanks. Also, I would like some fresh water to pickle the water
maker. There was a promising black cloud this morning but it didn't reach
us...another one that got away.
The crew would like to thank everyone for sending us emails that entertain,
educate and generally keeps us on our toes. It really is nice to hear from you
all and makes us feel we are not alone out here.
On the homeward stretch!
Roger (Mother), Chief Engineer and general dogs body.
For those who may have tried to look at my Just Giving page. I
apologise for the typo. Please see revised link: