11 August 2010: River Belon

3:42.58W Tonight are spring tides and they are exceptional for August – a coefficient of 112. Likewise there will be a particularly low tide tomorrow and all the signs are out for peche a pied. Here in the Belon, the bar will dry and there will be no escape! As usual we are moored between two of the three big drum buoys in the” trou Anglaise.”. For the first time that I can remember, we are the only Brit – all others are French. (maybe there’s something about the changing nature of holes!) We are sandwiched (sic) between Red Pearl – a boat of traditional french live-aboard design, about 40’ out of Ouistreham; and Phebus, a “gentleman’s yacht” of about 50’ out of Concarneau with a very noisy family of 4 aboard. Roger has decided that one gets a different class of yachtsman at large during the French holidays – having seen Monsieur next door disporting himself in his boxer shorts and bending over energetically in my line of sight I understand what he means , but still think that snobisme rules! We’re on a trot of four – the trot behind is of three smaller boats. Two of the boats will be leaving at 7-8am, so we’ll have to be up to manage lines etc. We’ll stay at least two nights, maybe three, and have booked our table at Chez Jacky for Roger’s birthday lunch. The cost is £12.60 a night for a mooring 10-13m. Here is a picture of us moored against Red Pearl. Guess which are our fenders! After supper, Roger noticed a boat aground on the opposite bank and immediately went to help in the dinghy, supported by one of the neighbours from the trot behind. Despite best efforts, including placing a kedge and winching over from the top of the mast they were unsuccessful. The water was really sluicing out! |