13 August - a hot day in A Coruna

Magnetic Attraction
Roger and Margaret Pratt
Thu 13 Aug 2009 19:19
Another hot, still day , with only a slight sea breeze in the afternoon.  I went shopping in the morning, walking down to San Augustin market.  Roger levelled the engine mounts and defrosted the fridge.  After lunch (I cooked the aubergine that was one of the vegetables given us by Awaywego, our American neighbour, cleared out before moving the boat to Marina Seca,) we travelled into town via the tram (2euros single fare each.)  Cycling back on Tuesday from the Carrefour supermarket, Roger's brake cable failed.  The Oxford Duden dictionnary came into its own, giving the Spanish of what was required.  There was a suitable shop (Bici Total) at the other end of the tram line. 
As seems general round here, everyone was very helpful and Roger was able to identify the fittings needed.  The young man, who did his best in English, understood that the bike was a Brompton.  The cost was 2.60 euros - a bargain!
The excitement came on the tram on the way back.  The tram that we caught was older than the one going out - and seemed to be wider.  The driver was nervous - with reason, as there were a lot of jay walkers.  But as we came down the hill towards the marina he stopped because a campervan was overhanging the parking spot beside the track, and the tram could not quite pass.  The excitement!  He contacted HQ, and the police arrived.  We sat in the heat, awaiting events.  There was no suggestion of backing the tram up and using the other side of the tracks,  The next tram drew up behind us.  The police called up a tow truck, which straightened up the campervan, but couldn't move it out of the way.  Someone (?the police?) then broke in and moved the van into the outside lane of teh dual carriageway - and the 2 trams proceeded on.  All very interesting.
Here is a picture of the Marina Coruna where we are moored, for the benefit of Chris Darch.....
Good news this morning by text  from Andrew Cottam - he has been appointed as interim CX of Powys LHB.