Day 11 -Baking Day!!

Magnetic Attraction
Roger and Margaret Pratt
Wed 4 Dec 2013 14:28
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Course: 220
Engine Hrs: 4hrs (for purposes only of battery charging) 
Day's Run: 95miles
Total: 1335 miles - Expected total distance 3000 miles
Air Temperature 28.9C
Water temperature 30.0C
Wind speed: 10knts
Wind direction: 55T

So it is back to me, Lucy, to be mother today. I must say already I am enjoying today a lot more than my last Mother shift, the two most possible extremes. Today the sun is shining, we are sailing on a broad reach with almost 12 knots of breeze on a calm sea. I am actually having to think of things to challenge myself with. Last time I was most definitely over challenged. We were reaching in a sea with swell and waves 2m+ and 22 knots of breeze. Just keeping the pans and worst of all the coffee pot on the cooker was hard. Today I am thinking I will bake something for afternoon tea and cook dinner from scratch rather than heating up one of Margaret's semi ready dinners, which I must say are a life saver in the more bumpy seas.
Our main highlight from the last 24hrs was the first spectacular sunset. The colours were so vibrant you could almost say they were day-glow / fluorescent. They were bright oranges, pinks and salmon like colours emphasised by some streaky and little fluffy clouds (excuse the lack of technical jargon!). I am sure the photos will not do it justice!
We have seen minimal signs of wildlife, only the odd large bird swooping low above the sea. We are still attempting to catch some fish. The first adjustment made was lengthening the line behind us. Today is the second adjustment of using a larger lure which is usually used for catching extremely large fish!! Today is day three for the fishing so you never know it may be...third time lucky!! In which case it may be fish for dinner!!
We have all been looking at the forecast today for the next 7 days and things are finally looking up. The north-easterly trade winds are here which is a start and the plan is to head south until we are on the same latitude as Martinique and then the winds will be blowing easterly and blowing us closer and closer to our final destination. The strengths are also looking hopeful apart from one day where it lightens but I think we will cope!! Each day you can tell we are getting more south because it is warming up!! Last night the boat was quite warm after a day of sun shine but with all the hatches open a cooling breeze brought the inside temperature down making it much easier to sleep. You can also tell on the night watches because Roger was wearing just shorts and t-shirt until 2200 when he decided a jumper was just necessary. Also the watches later on, previously we have had light waterproofs on but they have now been hung up hopefully not to be used again!!
On the night watches you have time to enjoy being here in the middle of a large ocean, with no light pollution so you are joined by so many stars and planets, and you can see some beautiful phosphorescence  in your bow waves (when going fast enough)! Your thoughts also go to what you may be doing if you weren't here! I, as most of you may know, am a paediatric nurse which means that my days are spent on the paediatric ward (at Southend Hospital.) Now that winter is in full swing I know full well what the ward and its staff are going to be like, busy is an understatement, and it really makes you appreciate the the hard work done on the ward at this time of year. Most of the children they will be looking after will be babies and toddlers with viral respiratory infections. When deciding to come on this adventure I thought I would try and raise some money for Neptune Children's Ward to buy some equipment to enable more effective care for the children and their families during these challenging times. For those interested please see the following:
So time to get out the baking things and make something I think.
Signing off...Lucy