
6 November 2013 – Marina Lanzarote, Arrecife We’re beginning to orient ourselves in Arrecife. Until yesterday we had the benefit of neighbours who were able to direct us: Andy and Linda in Coromandel Quest and Craig and Wendy in Baraonda (Craig’s margaritas will live long in the memory!) But they have now both left to anchor off Playa Blanca in the south of the island, and we’re settling down to the serious biz of boat prep. The marina itself has all mod cons, although the electricity on our pontoon comes and goes; but is surrounded by an active building site. There is no charm: but it’s very cheap (18€ a night) and close to the town. Arrecife itself, home to a quarter of the resident population, is a nice, no frills, working town. It is like Vigo in that all workshops, chandleries, specialist stores etc are here. There is a fish market, but no daily fresh produce market – which means that all the fruit and veg will have been chilled and won’t be as good for keeping long-term on passage. The main centre is pedestrianized, and everything is pretty easily accessible on foot – even in the middle of the day the wind cuts the heat and makes it comfortable. There is of course the siesta that disrupts the working day – depending on the store, they shut between 12 and 2, and then open again between 4 and 5pm, closing between 7 and 8pm. Shade is provided by big palm trees and there’s NO GRASS or even weeds: there are water hoses everywhere on top of the bare volcanic dirt. The borders have cacti or paradise flowers planted! The marina wifi is inadequate and we’ve bought a Spanish mobile SIM card from Orange: 2Gb for a month and the purchase of the card for €29. I closed the deal last night having trawled round the centre and spying out all the offers. It should see us through the next fortnight – Bryan and Lucy arrive a fortnight today!! |