A second day in Veere

51:33.005N 3:40.137E A second day in Veere. The weather has been hot and sunny. This morning I went just after 9am local time to the bread shop, for croissants and black bread – both very good. The shops were opening up, but there were few people about. In fact, it seems like the sort of place that starts wakening up in the afternoon. The morning frittered itself away. We took an early lunch-pauze, and ate up the remains of the UK quiche and pork pie that were in ship stores. Just some pate left! The salad and fresh vegetable stakes were also extremely low. I spoke with the harbour master who was (as ever) extremely helpful, and showed me the location of the Albert Heijm supermarket in Middleburg that is open on a Sunday. His advice was that not all shops are open on Mondays… although camping-shops are available for basic necessities. Because we are no more than 7km or so from Middleburg it seemed sensible to cycle in and get stocks of fresh food. As ever, an easy cycle ride, on flat, tarmac tracks. On the way back we cycled past the Jacht haven in Middleburg and were surprised at how empty it was for a Sunday afternoon. We were back by 3.30pm local time, with fruit and veg, meat and lunchtime snacks that will see us through another 3 days. I am discovering a downside to the Netherlands – it’s a society that doesn’t like credit cards! So in consequence I’m getting through cash faster than I would wish. I hope the holes in the wall work or else it’ll be back to France sooner rather than later! After supper we went out again on the bikes for half an hour or so. Here is a picture of Magnetic Attraction, showing the entrance to the port in the afternoon sun, and some pictures of this very pretty village. |