Back "Home" in Gosport

14 July 2013 - Royal Clarence Marina, Gosport 50:48.095N 1:07.332W Now back "home" at the Royal Clarence Marina, via overnight stops in Brighton Marina and Port Solent. For reasons that will become clear we may be here some time... The journey from Dover to Brighton was uneventful, if slow: the wind had swung easterly, meaning that we made slower progress dead downwind. Brighton Marina was humid and expensive - £38+ for an overnight stay. On the way out the following morning we ran hard aground in the entrance channel, which should be dredged to a minimum depth of 2m. Roger gunned the engine and we bounced off with the swell. I called the marina to advise of the lack of depth and they told me (a) that there was only 1m of tide in the channel and (b) everyone was told of teh loss of depth - madam! Not so. I retained my composure and asked whether I should have received written notification? Not so, madam - I should have read the notices to mariners! But regardless, problems hit in light airs off Worthing, as Roger increased engine speed. He felt the engine go lumpy in the swell. Further exploration uncovered that one of the engine mounts has failed. Linked to the grounding - probable, but not certain. Being close to shore and a weekday Roger was able to call Duncan at Golden Arrow Marine and order new mounts, once he had emailed a photo to ascertain the exact type required. (Further evidence of the joys of technology!) We will take the train into Southampton tomorrow to pick them up. It was a joy to get to Port Solent and meet up with Nina and John. We shared a meal from the Indian Palace. A wonderful evening and the happy party didn't break up until after 11pm. (Unfortunately no picture.) Solent Blue joined the queue for the lock to leave Port Solent late morning to escape the heat - Magnetic Attraction waited for freeflow through the lock before coming down to Royal Clarence. Phil and Helen were aboard Sea Horse. Helen and I were planning to go across to Gunwaharf this morning but abhorted - their grey water was emptying into the bilges. Roger became positively enthusiastic about exploring someone else's bilges and we have spent most of the day aboard Sea Horse. Last night - what a treat! Richard and Jo from the IoW had invited us to supper and booked a table at Loch Fyne. We caught the Gosport Ferry over to Pompey; they hovered from Ryde. The hot sunny weather continues and we sat outside in the evening sun. A truly memorable occasion. The working week starts again tomorrow with a trip by public transport to Southampton! |