Villanova 28 June The saga of the WIFI
Magnetic Attraction
Roger and Margaret Pratt
Tue 28 Jul 2009 20:46
The watchful blog reader will have noticed approving reference to the wifi signals from Villanova. This, allied with a reference in the pilot to pontoon berths encouraged a visit... not least because we wanted to make a positive gesture in favour of strong, open access wifi.
However all is not all it seems. Installed in a convenient berth, beside a long pontoon, with a marinero who at least tries to speak English, the link to the wifi was sought. OH NO!!!! It isn't accessible! In the circumstances, Roger was remarkably restrained - well I think so, as I was away trying to track down a bakery before they close at 1pm BST. The other problem is that access to the marina is by swipe card and visitors are not given one. So when I arrived back at the marina, I rang the large shiny brass ships bell for the marinero. No-one came. Thinks: thank goodness Roger is on the boat - he can let me in. Rang Roger - just as the guy turns up, but Roger does get to tell me the problem. I ask about el wifi (WeeFee!). No wifi on the marina I'm told - throughout the village, it's free, but it doesn't reach the marina. Anyway, after lunch we try again, and all is well. But there was a moment when we faced the possibility that we had gone to all this trouble- fender, lines, springs, manoevrings, registration - for no wifi - when we knew that we could get a really strong signal anchored off!
It's been hot today, so I've done the washing and everything is dry. We walked round the village once it got a bit cooler, following the paseo maritimo and then cutting back into town. Hoardes of people of the beaches, enjoying the afternoon sun. Tomorrow we'll cycle - we want to visit Cambados, and maybe O Grove, if the legs hold out. The bay's too shallow to go by boat. Look out for the pix!