The best anchorage yet

Magnetic Attraction
Roger and Margaret Pratt
Mon 13 Jul 2009 19:02
San Adrian is a very snug, sheltered anchorage, in
claggy mud. At low water the faded red mooring buoy (as we thought) turned
out to be a port hand marker protecting some nasty rocks that were unmarked
on the chart. An annotation is called for!
This morning it was wet. After a slow start,
we went ashore to get bread and dispose of the garbage, landing at the
marina. San Adrian is small - just a fishing quay, where we watched the
unloading of the mussels in big net bags, straight into a refrigerated wagon,
presumably for onward transmission. We walked trough the village: there
were a couple of fountains, one disused and one clearly still used, as it was
full of grey water, and had a new roof. There were no food shops, and the
cafe at the marina is shut on a Monday. So we came back to the boat having
walked through the village, admiring the shrubs and vines, and noteing the
encroachment of the ferns through what must have been the vegetable
gardens. Fortunately I hadn't thrown out all the stale bread, so the most
recent loaf refreshed in the oven with a jambon/queso empanada for lunch,
with salad.
We thought that we would move and anchor under the
Islas San Sinon. But on exploration there wasn't enough water, even though
the tides are becoming neap-ish, and the other anchorage on the eastern shore
seemed relatively exposed to the sea breeze. So we returned to the
favourite anchorage for lunch and a siesta! I had bought some steak in
Bayona, so after aperitifs (Local olives stuffed with anchovies) we have
feasted with the last of the UK potatoes, and the first of the Spanish runner
Oh yes! I've finished Hornblower, and am now
into a different form of swashbuckling - Niall Ferguson's The Ascent of Money,
which I picked up before I left London. The blurb says its been a TV
series- but I must have missed it. The histort is very accessible, and the
analysis persuasive.