Deshaies (yet again)

Mystic of Holyhead (successor to Lynn Rival)
Rachel and Paul Chandler
Mon 1 Apr 2019 12:42

16:18.48N 061:47.94W

After a few days in sleepy Port Louis we sailed west, around the NW tip of Guadeloupe and into Deshaies bay.  It's a busy cruiser anchorage, deep in the middle and littered with moorings close to the shore.  We probably could have found a spot further in but being new to anchoring in Mystic we opted for a big gap in deep water.  The winds are often very gusty in Deshaies so once our anchor was well dug in we didn't feel the need to switch to any inviting gaps that opened up as boats moved on.  The only problem was an often wet and bumpy dinghy ride to the town jetty for our breakfast visit to the bakery.

An overcast Deshaies anchorage

Still recovering from our Atlantic crossing we were happy to spend a few more days aboard watching the comings and goings of cruisers.  Most mornings the local fishermen do the rounds of the anchorage, looking for a shoal of fish and casting their net in a big circle before hauling it in.  It looks like very hard work but they always seem to get a good catch with plenty to spare for the many pelicans that swoop around, stealing what they can.  In quieter moments the local turtle swims among the yachts, popping his head up to look around and diving again if he sees you looking.

Eventually we decided to get some exercise and walked up to the Botanical gardens for a second and equally enjoyable visit as the last time.  Having got our feet used to our walking boots again we spent another morning scrambling up the trail to the top of Gros Morne and then down again to the stunning beach just North of Deshaies.  The final challenge a couple of days later was the Deshaies river walk which involves hopping from rock to rock along the river bed, sometimes having to climb over large boulders and at other times having to clamber up the riverbank and find a path through the undergrowth.  We saw no one else and after two hours of solitude with just the sound of running water and bird calls we found the track which lead us winding downhill again and into town.

There of lots of photos in our post in April/May 2016 and here are a few more.

Street food

Second course!

Not the jungle; the Botanical Gardens

The blues and yellows area

and the pinks

more pinks!
